Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Pura Vida!

We made it! After getting up very early to drive to Atlanta and a 3 1/2 hour flight, we arrived in San Jose, Costa Rica. We were greeted by our guide, Madri, our driver, Toca, and the minibus that will ferret us around for the next 8 days.

It was a long drive to our hotel in Playa Junquillal, and at a rest stop, we happened to meet a member of the Costa Rican volleyball team, whom we will play in a couple days. Coincidence?

Tuesday morning we woke up to see the beach just steps from our hotel! (It was dark when we arrived last night).

After breakfast, we drove to Escuela Playa Junquillal, a primary school just down the road from our hotel. We sanded & stained their new playhouse, built a new bridge to the playhouse, planted trees, and cleaned up around the school. The children were very sweet and loved to play with us. We taught them a little English, and they taught us a little Spanish!

Here are a few pictures from our day. To see more, visit our online album.

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