Saturday, August 20, 2011


Today everyone wrote a brief note reflecting on the trip. Here are the coaches' favorites:

"Pura vida" is the phrase that could best describe my trip thus far. Embracing life by helping others through physical labor for a community less fortunate than my own was the first life-changing experience of my week. When I learned to surf I stretched not only my physical limits but also my mental limits as to what I thought I was capable of. The canopy zipline tour was a once in a lifetime experience that made me realize how fortunate I was and enabled me to live my life to the fullest in those few moments. This trip has truly opened my eyes, mind, and heart to the meaning of "pure life."


Today I woke up hearing a bird whistling so loud it was absurd. Today I ate breakfast in cool fresh air, with teammates I've grown towards with love and care. Today I climbed down a million stairs that led down to only who knew where. Today I swam towards a beautiful waterfall that was so incredibly and amazingly tall. Today I played with players all from MC, who each want to leave behind their legacies. Today I saw us work hard and sweat, no matter the heat we tried our best. After today I can no longer think only about me, so from here on out it begins with: Today we...


Dear Heavenly Father,

Through this experience I have truly grown closer to you in body and in spirit. Tonight as I lay in a beautiful wooded cabin I remembered your power and love for all of your children. Today at the waterfall I was first scared standing in awe of power nature holds. I was nervous of the great pull the water had on me, I was soon reminded of the littleness I had control of. As I was being tossed among your powerful creation I embraced the humility that overwhelmed me. I am nothing without you, and through your creation I am closer to imitating your precious love.



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